By analysing existing products, we understand users’ behaviours and explore common loopholes.

Decoding Technologies
By decoding the principles of optical, we see how product design can affect performance and usage. We look for betterment and breakthroughs.

Scrutinising Existing Products
When a problem is found, we dig into the details. For example, the “teeth” of Rollei’s CPL is too shallow which makes it hard to grip and screw. The illustration below demonstrates different “teeth” from other brands which allow easier installation of the lens.

After research and analysis, we generate new insights which we endeavour to incorporate into our products. For example, we have found that focal length of ND filters is altered after installation and focus is hard for high-grade ND filters. Users often have to remove the holder, adjust the focus and re-install filters. We strive to solve these problems by redesigning in a cost-effective and manufacturable way.

Design Directions
Different concepts are generated and compared based on their pros and cons. After explanation and discussion with clients, the next step can be proceeded

Prototyping is essential to test the functions and usage. Unexpected problems are always encountered as it is the first step to transform intangible concepts into physical objects.

Visual Design
The outlook of products is always the most valued. However, what we have done so far is not just about looking good. It is also about understanding the market, users and technologies. The essence of design is to create new values with skills and ideas.
When the functionality, usage and business strategies are fulfilled, styling can be done in different aesthetic approaches.

Final Output
Combining all the functions, technical specs and aesthetic, a final design is generated. As a result of all the work from research to prototyping, it is now ready for production!